There are five membership categories:
- Category 1 - Full Members
Medical and Dental Practitioners
Others so elected by the General Committee
Annual Subscription £60.00 - Category 2 - Associate Members
Professions Allied to Medicine
Medical Scientists
Healthcare Managers
Representatives of pharmaceutical companies and equipment manufacturers
Annual Subscription £40.00 - Category 3 - Student and Junior Members
Medical, dental and other undergraduate healthcare students, FY1/FY2 medical practitioners, dentists, nurses and physiotherapists within their first two years of qualification
Annual Subscription £10.00 - Category 4 - Retired Members
Retired Members, having been such for at least ten years previously and having reached retirement age
Annual Subscription £30.00 - Category 5 - Fellows
Fellowships are awarded by the General Committee to those who have given outstanding service to the BMI over the years or to healthcare in the West Midlands in general.